You may remember a while back, I created a print of an Aloe Vera and titled it ‘resilience’. This has been a subject which I keep revisiting.
June 2022

In fact, if I take a look back over all my recent artworks they are all reflective of resilience. And I think that’s why I adore house plants so much. As they are alive but not sentient, they rely on us to care for them. But even through that, they have a life of their own; they grow, they flower, they thrive and yes – sometimes they struggle and they need more or less and sometimes they just give up and wither away.
This vulnerability speaks to me as a person who has had the same struggles in life. I hate relying on other people but we HAVE to. From health care, to our utilities, we need other people to keep us healthy and keep us moving.
My plants are a reminder of the inner strength that we all have. And my prints are my inner sanctum coming out in a colourful display of defiance against anything which tries to defeat me.